Oracle Job Interview Questions Part-8

  1. How do you implement postback with a text box? What is postback and usestate?
    Make AutoPostBack property to true
  2. How can you debug an ASP page, without touching the code?
  3. What is SQL injection?
    An SQL injection attack "injects" or manipulates SQL code by adding unexpected SQL to a query.
    Many web pages take parameters from web user, and make SQL query to the database. Take for instance when a user login, web page that user name and password and make SQL query to the database to check if a user has valid name and password.
    Username: ' or 1=1 ---
    Password: [Empty]
    This would execute the following query against the users table:
    select count(*) from users where userName='' or 1=1 --' and userPass=''
  4. How can u handle Exceptions in Asp.Net?
  5. How can u handle Un Managed Code Exceptions in ASP.Net?
  6. - How to find last error which occurred?
    A: Server.GetLastError();
    Exception LastError;
    String ErrMessage;
    LastError = Server.GetLastError();
    if (LastError != null)
    ErrMessage = LastError.Message;
    ErrMessage = "No Errors";
    Response.Write("Last Error = " + ErrMessage);

7. How to do Caching in ASP?
A: <%@ OutputCache Duration="60" VaryByParam="None" %>

VaryByParam value



One version of page cached (only raw GET)


n versions of page cached based on query string and/or POST body


n versions of page cached based on value of v1 variable in query string or POST body


n versions of page cached based on value of v1 and v2 variables in query string or POST body

<%@ OutputCache Duration="60" VaryByParam="none" %>
<%@ OutputCache Duration="60" VaryByParam="*" %>
<%@ OutputCache Duration="60" VaryByParam="name;age" %>

The OutputCache directive supports several other cache varying options

    • VaryByHeader - maintain separate cache entry for header string changes (UserAgent, UserLanguage, etc.)
    • VaryByControl - for user controls, maintain separate cache entry for properties of a user control
    • VaryByCustom - can specify separate cache entries for browser types and version or provide a custom GetVaryByCustomString method in HttpApplicationderived class
  1. What is the Global ASA(X) File?
  1. Any alternative to avoid name collisions other then Namespaces.
    A scenario that two namespaces named N1 and N2 are there both having the same class say A. now in another class i ve written
    using N1;using N2;
    and i am instantiating class A in this class. Then how will u avoid name collisions?
    Ans: using alias
    using MyAlias = MyCompany.Proj.Nested;
  2. Which is the namespace used to write error message in event Log File?
  3. What are the page level transaction and class level transaction?
  4. What are different transaction options?
  5. What is the namespace for encryption?
  6. What is the difference between application and cache variables?
  7. What is the difference between control and component?
  8. You ve defined one page_load event in aspx page and same page_load event in code behind how will prog run?
  9. Where would you use an IHttpModule, and what are the limitations of any approach you might take in implementing one?
  10. Can you edit data in the Repeater control? Which template must you provide, in order to display data in a Repeater control? How can you provide an alternating color scheme in a Repeater control? What property must you set, and what method must you call in your code, in order to bind the data from some data source to the Repeater control?
  11. What is the use of web.config? Difference between machine.config and Web.config?
    ASP.NET configuration files are XML-based text files--each named web.config--that can appear in any directory on an ASP.NET Web application server. Each web.config file applies configuration settings to the directory it is located in and to all virtual child directories beneath it. Settings in child directories can optionally override or modify settings specified in parent directories. The root configuration file--WinNT\Microsoft.NET\Framework\\config\machine.config—provides default configuration settings for the entire machine. ASP.NET configures IIS to prevent direct browser access to web.config
    files to ensure that their values cannot become public (attempts to access them will cause ASP.NET to return 403: Access Forbidden).
    At run time ASP.NET uses these web.config configuration files to hierarchically compute a unique collection of settings for each incoming URL target request (these settings are calculated only once and then cached across subsequent requests; ASP.NET automatically watches for file changes and will invalidate the cache if any of the configuration files change).

What is the use of sessionstate tag in the web.config file?
Configuring session state:
Session state features can be configured via the section in a web.config file. To double the default timeout of 20 minutes, you can add the following to the web.config file of an application:

Oracle Job Interview Questions Part-7

  1. Which ASP.NET configuration options are supported in the ASP.NET implementation on the shared web hosting platform?
    A: Many of the ASP.NET configuration options are not configurable at the site, application or subdirectory level on the shared hosting platform. Certain options can affect the security, performance and stability of the server and, therefore cannot be changed. The following settings are the only ones that can be changed in your site’s web.config file (s):
  2. Briefly describe the role of global.asax?
  3. How can u debug your .net application?
  4. How do u deploy your application?
  5. Where do we store our connection string in application?
  6. Various steps taken to optimize a web based application (caching, stored procedure etc.)
  7. How does ASP.NET framework maps client side events to Server side events.

  8. Security types in ASP/ASP.NET? Different Authentication modes?
  9. How .Net has implemented security for web applications?
  10. How to do Forms authentication in
  11. Explain authentication levels in .net ?
  12. Explain autherization levels in .net ?
  13. What is Role-Based security?
    A role is a named set of principals that have the same privileges with respect to security (such as a teller or a manager). A principal can be a member of one or more roles. Therefore, applications can use role membership to determine whether a principal is authorized to perform a requested action.
  14. How will you do windows authentication and what is the namespace? If a user is logged under integrated windows authentication mode, but he is still not able to logon, what might be the possible cause for this? In ASP.Net application how do you find the name of the logged in person under windows authentication?
  15. What are the different authentication modes in the .NET environment?
         timeout="30" path="/" >
            ="username" password="password"/>





Controls the default authentication mode for an application.


Specifies Windows authentication as the default authentication mode. Use this mode when using any form of Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) authentication: Basic, Digest, Integrated Windows authentication (NTLM/Kerberos), or certificates.


Specifies ASP.NET forms-based authentication as the default authentication mode.


Specifies Microsoft Passport authentication as the default authentication mode.


Specifies no authentication. Only anonymous users are expected or applications can handle events to provide their own authentication.

  1. How do you specify whether your data should be passed as Query string and Forms (Mainly about POST and GET)
    Through attribute tag of form tag.
  2. What is the other method, other than GET and POST, in ASP.NET?
  3. What are validator? Name the Validation controls in How do u disable them? Will the validators run in server side or client side? How do you do Client-side validation in .Net? How to disable validator control by client side JavaScript?
    A set of server controls included with ASP.NET that test user input in HTML and Web server controls for programmer-defined requirements. Validation controls perform input checking in server code. If the user is working with a browser that supports DHTML, the validation controls can also perform validation ("EnableClientScript" property set to true/false) using client script.
    The following validation controls are available in
    RequiredFieldValidator Control, CompareValidator Control, RangeValidator Control, RegularExpressionValidator Control, CustomValidator Control, ValidationSummary Control.
  4. Which two properties are there on every validation control? ControlToValidate, ErrorMessage

How do you use css in
Within the section of an HTML document that will use these styles, add a link to this external CSS style sheet that
follows this form:

MyStyles.css is the name of your external CSS style sheet.

Oracle Job Interview Questions Part-6

  1. How do u implement locking concept for dataset?

  2. and asp – differences?

Code Render Block

Code Declaration Block



Event Driven

Object Oriented - Constructors/Destructors, Inheritance, overloading..

Exception Handling - Try, Catch, Finally

Down-level Support


User Controls

In-built client side validation

Session - weren't transferable across servers

It can span across servers, It can survive server crashes, can work with browsers that don't support cookies

built on top of the window & IIS, it was always a separate entity & its functionality was limited.

its an integral part of OS under the .net framework. It shares many of the same objects that traditional applications would use, and all .net objects are available for's consumption.

Garbage Collection

Declare variable with datatype

In built graphics support


  1. How ASP and ASP.NET page works? Explain about page life cycle?
  2. Order of events in an page? Control Execution Lifecycle?


What a control needs to do

Method or event to override


Initialize settings needed during the lifetime of the incoming Web request.

Init event (OnInit method)

Load view state

At the end of this phase, the ViewState property of a control is automatically populated as described in Maintaining State in a Control. A control can override the default implementation of the LoadViewState method to customize state restoration.

LoadViewState method

Process postback data

Process incoming form data and update properties accordingly.

LoadPostData method (if IPostBackDataHandler is implemented)


Perform actions common to all requests, such as setting up a database query. At this point, server controls in the tree are created and initialized, the state is restored, and form controls reflect client-side data.

Load event

(OnLoad method)

Send postback change notifications

Raise change events in response to state changes between the current and previous postbacks.

RaisePostDataChangedEvent method (if IPostBackDataHandler is implemented)

Handle postback events

Handle the client-side event that caused the postback and raise appropriate events on the server.

RaisePostBackEvent method(if IPostBackEventHandler is implemented)


Perform any updates before the output is rendered. Any changes made to the state of the control in the prerender phase can be saved, while changes made in the rendering phase are lost.

PreRender event
(OnPreRender method)

Save state

The ViewState property of a control is automatically persisted to a string object after this stage. This string object is sent to the client and back as a hidden variable. For improving efficiency, a control can override the SaveViewState method to modify the ViewState property.

SaveViewState method


Generate output to be rendered to the client.

Render method


Perform any final cleanup before the control is torn down. References to expensive resources such as database connections must be released in this phase.

Dispose method


Perform any final cleanup before the control is torn down. Control authors generally perform cleanup in Dispose and do not handle this event.

UnLoad event (On UnLoad method)

Note To override an EventName event, override the OnEventName method (and call base.OnEventName)

  1. What are server controls?
    ASP.NET server controls are components that run on the server and encapsulate user-interface and other related functionality. They are used in ASP.NET pages and in ASP.NET code-behind classes.
  2. What is the difference between Web User Control and Web Custom Control?
    Custom Controls
    Web custom controls are compiled components that run on the server and that encapsulate user-interface and other related functionality into reusable packages. They can include all the design-time features of standard ASP.NET server controls, including full support for Visual Studio design features such as the Properties window, the visual designer, and the Toolbox.
    There are several ways that you can create Web custom controls:
    • You can compile a control that combines the functionality of two or more existing controls. For example, if you need a control that encapsulates a button and a text box, you can create it by compiling the existing controls together.
    • If an existing server control almost meets your requirements but lacks some required features, you can customize the control by deriving from it and overriding its properties, methods, and events.
    • If none of the existing Web server controls (or their combinations) meet your requirements, you can create a custom control by deriving from one of the base control classes. These classes provide all the basic functionality of Web server controls, so you can focus on programming the features you need.

If none of the existing ASP.NET server controls meet the specific requirements of your applications, you can create either a Web user control or a Web custom control that encapsulates the functionality you need. The main difference between the two controls lies in ease of creation vs. ease of use at design time.
Web user controls
are easy to make, but they can be less convenient to use in advanced scenarios. You develop Web user controls almost exactly the same way that you develop Web Forms pages. Like Web Forms, user controls can be created in the visual designer, they can be written with code separated from the HTML, and they can handle execution events. However, because Web user controls are compiled dynamically at run time they cannot be added to the Toolbox, and they are represented by a simple placeholder glyph when added to a page. This makes Web user controls harder to use if you are accustomed to full Visual Studio .NET design-time support, including the Properties window and Design view previews. Also, the only way to share the user control between applications is to put a separate copy in each application, which takes more maintenance if you make changes to the control.
Web custom controls
are compiled code, which makes them easier to use but more difficult to create; Web custom controls must be authored in code. Once you have created the control, however, you can add it to the Toolbox and display it in a visual designer with full Properties window support and all the other design-time features of ASP.NET server controls. In addition, you can install a single copy of the Web custom control in the global assembly cache and share it between applications, which makes maintenance easier.

Web user controls

Web custom controls

Easier to create

Harder to create

Limited support for consumers who use a visual design tool

Full visual design tool support for consumers

A separate copy of the control is required in each application

Only a single copy of the control is required, in the global assembly cache

Cannot be added to the Toolbox in Visual Studio

Can be added to the Toolbox in Visual Studio

Good for static layout

Good for dynamic layout

  1. Application and Session Events
    The ASP.NET page framework provides ways for you to work with events that can be raised when your application starts or stops or when an individual user's session starts or stops:
    • Application events are raised for all requests to an application. For example, Application_BeginRequest is raised when any Web Forms page or XML Web service in your application is requested. This event allows you to initialize resources that will be used for each request to the application. A corresponding event, Application_EndRequest, provides you with an opportunity to close or otherwise dispose of resources used for the request.
    • Session events are similar to application events (there is a Session_OnStart and a Session_OnEnd event), but are raised with each unique session within the application. A session begins when a user requests a page for the first time from your application and ends either when your application explicitly closes the session or when the session times out.

You can create handlers for these types of events in the Global.asax file.

  1. Difference between ASP Session and ASP.NET Session? session supports cookie less session & it can span across multiple servers.
  2. What is cookie less session? How it works?
    By default, ASP.NET will store the session state in the same process that processes the request, just as ASP does. If cookies are not available, a session can be tracked by adding a session identifier to the URL. This can be enabled by setting the following:

  3. How you will handle session when deploying application in more than a server? Describe session handling in a webfarm, how does it work and what are the limits?
    By default, ASP.NET will store the session state in the same process that processes the request, just as ASP does. Additionally, ASP.NET can store session data in an external process, which can even reside on another machine. To enable this feature:
    • Start the ASP.NET state service, either using the Services snap-in or by executing "net start aspnet_state" on the command line. The state service will by default listen on port 42424. To change the port, modify the registry key for the service: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\aspnet_state\Parameters\Port
    • Set the mode attribute of the section to "StateServer".
    • Configure the stateConnectionString attribute with the values of the machine on which you started aspnet_state.

The following sample assumes that the state service is running on the same machine as the Web server ("localhost") and uses the default port (42424):

Note that if you try the sample above with this setting, you can reset the Web server (enter iisreset on the command line) and the session state value will persist.

  1. What method do you use to explicitly kill a users session?Abandon()
  2. What are the different ways you would consider sending data across pages in ASP (i.e between 1.asp to 2.asp)?Session, public properties
  3. What is State Management in .Net and how many ways are there to maintain a state in .Net? What is view state?
    Web pages are recreated each time the page is posted to the server. In traditional Web programming, this would ordinarily mean that all information associated with the page and the controls on the page would be lost with each round trip.
    To overcome this inherent limitation of traditional Web programming, the ASP.NET page framework includes various options to help you preserve changes — that is, for managing state. The page framework includes a facility called view state that automatically preserves property values of the page and all the controls on it between round trips.
    However, you will probably also have application-specific values that you want to preserve. To do so, you can use one of the state management options.
    Client-Based State Management Options:
    View State
    Hidden Form Fields
    Query Strings
    Server-Based State Management Options
    Session State

    Database Support
  4. What are the disadvantages of view state / what are the benefits?
    Automatic view-state management is a feature of server controls that enables them to repopulate their property values on a round trip (without you having to write any code). This feature does impact performance, however, since a server control's view state is passed to and from the server in a hidden form field. You should be aware of when view state helps you and when it hinders your page's performance.
  5. When maintaining session through Sql server, what is the impact of Read and Write operation on Session objects? will performance degrade?
    Maintaining state using database technology is a common practice when storing user-specific information where the information store is large. Database storage is particularly useful for maintaining long-term state or state that must be preserved even if the server must be restarted.
  6. What are the contents of cookie?
  7. How do you create a permanent cookie?
  8. What is ViewState? What does the "EnableViewState" property do?Why would I want it on or off?
  9. Explain the differences between Server-side and Client-side code?
    Server side code will process at server side & it will send the result to client. Client side code (javascript) will execute only at client side.
  10. Can you give an example of what might be best suited to place in the Application_Start and Session_Start subroutines?

Oracle Job Interview Questions Part-5

How do you trap the error in forms 3.0 ?
using On-Message or On-Error triggers.

How many pages you can in a single form ?

While specifying master/detail relationship between two blocks specifying the join condition is a must ?
True or False. ?

EXIT_FORM is a restricted package procedure ?
a. True b. False

What is the usage of an ON-INSERT,ON-DELETE and ON-UPDATE TRIGGERS ?
These triggers are executes when inserting, deleting and updating operations are performed and can be used to change the default function of insert, delete or update respectively. For Eg, instead of inserting a row in a table an existing row can be updated in the same table.

What are the types of Pop-up window ?
the pop-up field editor
pop-up list of values
pop-up pages.
Alert :

What is an SQL *FORMS ?
SQL *forms is 4GL tool for developing and executing; Oracle based interactive application.

How do you control the constraints in forms ?
Select the use constraint property is ON Block definition screen.

What is the difference between restricted and unrestricted package procedure ?
Restricted package procedure that affects the basic functions of SQL * Forms. It cannot used in all triggers except key triggers. Unrestricted package procedure that does not interfere with the basic functions of SQL * Forms it can be used in any triggers.

A query fetched 10 records How many times does a PRE-QUERY Trigger and POST-QUERY Trigger will get executed ?
PRE-QUERY fires once.
POST-QUERY fires 10 times.

Give the sequence in which triggers fired during insert operations, when the following 3 triggers are defined at the same block level ?

State the order in which these triggers are executed ?

What the PAUSE package procedure does ?
Pause suspends processing until the operator presses a function key

What do you mean by a page ?
Pages are collection of display information, such as constant text and graphics

What are the type of User Exits ?
ORACLE Precompliers user exits
OCI (ORACLE Call Interface)
Non-ORACEL user exits.
Page :

What is the difference between an ON-VALIDATE-FIELD trigger and a trigger ?
On-validate-field trigger fires, when the field Validation status New or changed. Post-field-trigger whenever the control leaving form the field, it will fire.

Can we use a restricted package procedure in ON-VALIDATE-FIELD Trigger ?

Is a Key startup trigger fires as result of a operator pressing a key explicitly ?

Can we use GO-BLOCK package in a pre-field trigger ?

Can we create two blocks with the same name in form 3.0 ?

What does an on-clear-block Trigger fire?
It fires just before SQL * forms the current block.

Name the two files that are created when you generate the form give the filex extension ?
INP (Source File)
FRM (Executable File)

What package procedure used for invoke sql *plus from sql *forms ?
Host (E.g. Host (sqlplus))

What is the significance of PAGE 0 in forms 3.0 ?
Hide the fields for internal calculation.

What are the different types of key triggers ?
Function Key

What is the difference between a Function Key Trigger and Key Function Trigger ?
Function key triggers are associated with individual SQL*FORMS function keys You can attach Key function triggers to 10 keys or key sequences that normally do not perform any SQL * FORMS operations. These keys referred as key F0 through key F9.

Committed block sometimes refer to a BASE TABLE ?

Error_Code is a package proecdure ?
a. True b. false

When is cost based optimization triggered? (for DBA)

It's important to have statistics on all tables for the CBO (Cost Based Optimizer) to work correctly. If one table involved in a statement does not have statistics, Oracle has to revert to rule-based optimization for that statement. So you really want for all tables to have statistics right away; it won't help much to just have the larger tables analyzed.
Generally, the CBO can change the execution plan when you:
1. Change statistics of objects by doing an ANALYZE;
2. Change some initialization parameters (for example: hash_join_enabled, sort_area_size, db_file_multiblock_read_count).

How can one optimize %XYZ% queries? (for DBA)
It is possible to improve %XYZ% queries by forcing the optimizer to scan all the entries from the index instead of the table. This can be done by specifying hints. If the index is physically smaller than the table (which is usually the case) it will take less time to scan the entire index than to scan the entire table.

What Enter package procedure does ?
Enter Validate-data in the current validation unit.

Where can one find I/O statistics per table? (for DBA)
The UTLESTAT report shows I/O per tablespace but one cannot see what tables in the tablespace has the most I/O. The $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/catio.sql script creates a sample_io procedure and table to gather the required information. After executing the procedure, one can do a simple SELECT * FROM io_per_object; to extract the required information. For more details, look at the header comments in the $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/catio.sql script.

My query was fine last week and now it is slow. Why? (for DBA)
The likely cause of this is because the execution plan has changed. Generate a current explain plan of the offending query and compare it to a previous one that was taken when the query was performing well. Usually the previous plan is not available.
Some factors that can cause a plan to change are:
. Which tables are currently analyzed? Were they previously analyzed? (ie. Was the query using RBO and now CBO?)
. Has OPTIMIZER_MODE been changed in INIT.ORA?
. Has the DEGREE of parallelism been defined/changed on any table?
. Have the tables been re-analyzed? Were the tables analyzed using estimate or compute? If estimate, what percentage was used?
. Have the statistics changed?
. Has the INIT.ORA parameter DB_FILE_MULTIBLOCK_READ_COUNT been changed?
. Has the INIT.ORA parameter SORT_AREA_SIZE been changed?
. Have any other INIT.ORA parameters been changed?
. What do you think the plan should be? Run the query with hints to see if this produces the required performance.

Why is Oracle not using the damn index? (for DBA)
This problem normally only arises when the query plan is being generated by the Cost Based Optimizer. The usual cause is because the CBO calculates that executing a Full Table Scan would be faster than accessing the table via the index.
Fundamental things that can be checked are:
. USER_TAB_COLUMNS.NUM_DISTINCT - This column defines the number of distinct values the column holds.
. USER_TABLES.NUM_ROWS - If NUM_DISTINCT = NUM_ROWS then using an index would be preferable to doing a FULL TABLE SCAN. As the NUM_DISTINCT decreases, the cost of using an index increase thereby is making the index less desirable.
. USER_INDEXES.CLUSTERING_FACTOR - This defines how ordered the rows are in the index. If CLUSTERING_FACTOR approaches the number of blocks in the table, the rows are ordered. If it approaches the number of rows in the table, the rows are randomly ordered. In such a case, it is unlikely that index entries in the same leaf block will point to rows in the same data blocks.
. Decrease the INIT.ORA parameter DB_FILE_MULTIBLOCK_READ_COUNT - A higher value will make the cost of a FULL TABLE SCAN cheaper.
. Remember that you MUST supply the leading column of an index, for the index to be used (unless you use a FAST FULL SCAN or SKIP SCANNING).
. There are many other factors that affect the cost, but sometimes the above can help to show why an index is not being used by the CBO. If from checking the above you still feel that the query should be using an index, try specifying an index hint. Obtain an explain plan of the query either using TKPROF with TIMED_STATISTICS, so that one can see the CPU utilization, or with AUTOTRACE to see the statistics. Compare this to the explain plan when not using an index.

When should one rebuild an index? (for DBA)

You can run the 'ANALYZE INDEX VALIDATE STRUCTURE' command on the affected indexes - each invocation of this command creates a single row in the INDEX_STATS view. This row is overwritten by the next ANALYZE INDEX command, so copy the contents of the view into a local table after each ANALYZE. The 'badness' of the index can then be judged by the ratio of 'DEL_LF_ROWS' to 'LF_ROWS'.

What are the unrestricted procedures used to change the popup screen position during run time ?
Resize -View

What is an Alert ?
An alert is window that appears in the middle of the screen overlaying a portion of the current display.

Deleting a page removes information about all the fields in that page ?
a. True. b. False?
a. True.

Two popup pages can appear on the screen at a time ?Two popup pages can appear on the screen at a time ?
a. True. b. False?
a. True.

Classify the restricted and unrestricted procedure from the following.
a. Call
b. User-Exit
c. Call-Query
d. Up
e. Execute-Query
f. Message
g. Exit-From
h. Post
i. Break?

a. Call - unrestricted
b. User Exit - Unrestricted
c. Call_query - Unrestricted
d. Up - Restricted
e. Execute Query - Restricted
f. Message - Restricted
g. Exit_form - Restricted
h. Post - Restricted
i. Break - Unrestricted.

What is an User Exits ?
A user exit is a subroutine which are written in programming languages using pro*C pro *Cobol , etc., that link into the SQL * forms executable.

What is a Trigger ?
A piece of logic that is executed at or triggered by a SQL *forms event.

What is a Package Procedure ?
A Package procedure is built in PL/SQL procedure.

What is the maximum size of a form ?
255 character width and 255 characters Length.

What is the difference between system.current_field and system.cursor_field ?
1. System.current_field gives name of the field.
2. System.cursor_field gives name of the field with block name.

List the system variables related in Block and Field?
1. System.block_status
2. System.current_block
3. System.current_field
4. System.current_value
5. System.cursor_block
6. System.cursor_field
7. System.field_status.

What are the different types of Package Procedure ?
1. Restricted package procedure.
2. Unrestricted package procedure.

What are the types of TRIGGERS ?
1. Navigational Triggers.
2. Transaction Triggers.

Identify package function from the following ?
1. Error-Code
2. Break
3. Call
4. Error-text
5. Form-failure
6. Form-fatal
7. Execute-query
8. Anchor View
9. Message_code?

1. Error_Code
2. Error_Text
3. Form_Failure
4. Form_Fatal
5. Message_Code

Can you attach an lov to a field at run-time? if yes, give the build-in name.?
Yes. Set_item_proprety

Is it possible to attach same library to more than one form?

Can you attach an lov to a field at design time?

List the windows event triggers available in Forms 4.0?

What are the triggers associated with the image item?
When-Image-activated(Fires when the operator double clicks on an image Items)
When-image-pressed(fires when the operator selects or deselects the image item)

What is a visual attribute?
Visual Attributes are the font, color and pattern characteristics of objects that operators see and intract with in our application.

How many maximum number of radio buttons can you assign to a radio group?
Unlimited no of radio buttons can be assigned to a radio group
How do you pass the parameters from one form to another form?
To pass one or more parameters to a called form, the calling form must perform the following steps in a trigger or user named routine execute the create_parameter_list built-in function to programmatically. Create a parameter list to execute the add parameter built-in procedure to add one or more parameters list. Execute the call_form, New_form or run_product built_in procedure and include the name or id of the parameter list to be passed to the called form.

What is a Layout Editor?
The Layout Editor is a graphical design facility for creating and arranging items and boilerplate text and graphics objects in your application's interface.

List the Types of Items?
Text item.
Chart item.
Check box.
Display item.
Image item.
List item.
Radio Group.
User Area item.

List system variables available in forms 4.0, and not available in forms 3.0?
System Date_threshold

What are the display styles of an alert?
Stop, Caution, note

What built-in is used for showing the alert during run-time?

What built-in is used for changing the properties of the window dynamically?

What are the different types of windows?
Root window, secondary window.

What is a predefined exception available in forms 4.0?
Raise form_trigger_failure

What is a radio Group?
Radio groups display a fixed no of options that are mutually Exclusive. User can select one out of n number of options.

What are the different type of a record group?
Query record group
Static record group
Non query record group

What are the menu items that oracle forms 4.0 supports?
Plain, Check,Radio, Separator, Magic

Give the equivalent term in forms 4.0 for the following. Page, Page 0?
Page - Canvas-View
Page 0 - Canvas-view null.

What triggers are associated with the radio group?
Only when-radio-changed trigger associated with radio group
Visual Attributes.

What are the triggers associated with a check box?
Only When-checkbox-activated Trigger associated with a Check box.

Can you attach an alert to a field?

Can a root window be made modal?

What is a list item?
It is a list of text elements.

List some built-in routines used to manipulate images in image_item?

Can you change the alert messages at run-time?
If yes, give the name of the built-in to change the alert messages at run-time. Yes. Set_alert_property.

What is the built-in used to get and set lov properties during run-time?
Record Group

What is the built-in routine used to count the no of rows in a group?
Get_group _row_count
System Variables

Give the Types of modules in a form?

Write the Abbreviation for the following File Extension 1. FMB 2. MMB 3. PLL?
FMB ----- Form Module Binary.
MMB ----- Menu Module Binary.
PLL ------ PL/SQL Library Module Binary.

List the built-in routine for controlling window during run-time?

List the built-in routine for controlling window during run-time?

What is the built-in function used for finding the alert?

List the editors availables in forms 4.0?
Default editor
User_defined editors
system editors.

What buil-in routines are used to display editor dynamicaly?
Edit_text item

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