These are similar to index by table but these can be stored in database columns but index by tables cannot be stored in database columns.
A nested table can be considered as a single-column table that can either be in memory, or as a column in a database table. A nested table is quite similar to a VARRAY with the exception that the order of the elements is not static. Elements can be deleted or added anywhere in the nested table where as a VARRAY can only add or delete elements from the end of the array. Nested Table is known as a sparse collection because a nested table can contain empty elements.
Nested tables are a superior choice when:
Nested Table | Varrays | Index-by-tables |
Declare Cursor name_cur IS Select last_name From student Where rownum <= 10; Type last_name_type Is Table Of student.last_name%Type; last_name_tab last_name_type :=last_name_type(); v_counter INTEGER := 0; BEGIN FOR name_rec IN name_cur LOOP v_counter := v_counter + 1; last_name_tab.EXTEND; last_name_tab(v_counter) := name_rec.last_name; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('last_name('||v_counter||'): '|| last_name_tab(v_counter)); END LOOP; END; | Declare Cursor name_cur IS Select last_name From student Where rownum <= 10; Type last_name_type Is Varray(10) OF student. last_name%TYPE; last_name_varray last_name_type := last_name_type(); v_counter INTEGER := 0; BEGIN FOR name_rec IN name_cur LOOP v_counter := v_counter + 1; last_name_varray. EXTEND; last_name_varray(v_counter) := name_rec.last_name; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('last_name('||v_counter||'): '|| last_name_varray(v_counter)); END LOOP; END; | Declare Cursor name_cur IS Select last_name From student Where rownum <= 10; Type last_name_type Is Table Of student.last_name%TYPE Index By Binary_Integer; last_name_tab last_name_type; v_counter INTEGER := 0; Begin For name_rec IN name_cur Loop v_counter := v_counter + 1; last_name_tab(v_counter) := name_rec.last_name; Dbms_Output.Put_Line ('last_name('||v_counter||'): '|| last_name_tab(v_counter)); END LOOP; END; |
Type number_tab as table of number; numb_list2 number_tab := number_tab(23,56,34,890,21); SQL> declare 2 type number_tab is table of number; 3 numb_list number_tab := number_tab(23,56,34,890,21); 4 begin 5 for indx in numb_list.first..numb_list.last loop 6 dbms_output.put_line(numb_list(indx)); 7 end loop; 8 numb_list.delete(2); 9 numb_list.delete(4); 10 for indx in numb_list.first..numb_list.last loop 11 if numb_list.exists(indx) then 12 dbms_output.put_line(numb_list(indx)); 13 end if; 14 end loop; 15 end; 16 / CREATE TYPE BeerType AS OBJECT ( name CHAR(20), kind CHAR(10), color CHAR(10) ); CREATE TYPE BeerTableType AS TABLE OF BeerType; CREATE TABLE Manfs ( name CHAR(30), addr CHAR(50), beers BeerTableType )NESTED TABLE beers STORE AS BeerTable; | Create Type varray_address_typ AS Varray(2) OF Varchar2(50); / Create Table customers_with_varray ( id Integer Primary key, first_name Varchar2(10), last_name Varchar2(10), addresses varray_address_typ ); Insert Into customers_with_varray Values ( 1, 'Steve', 'Brown', varray_address_typ( '2 State Street, Beantown, MA, 12345', '4 Hill Street, Lost Town, CA, 54321' ) ); Update customers_with_varray SET addresses = varray_address_typ( '3 New Street, Middle Town, CA, 123435', '4 Hill Street, Lost Town, CA, 54321' ) Where id = 1; |
Nested table | Varrays | Index-by-tables |
No maximum Length(unbounded) | Maximum length | No maximum Length(unbounded) |
A nested table is similar to a VARRAY except that it is a sparse collection, meaning that it can have deleted elements contained in the collection. (Sparsity means whether there can be gaps in between the subscripts.) | A VARRAY is a dense collection, meaning that you can only add or remove objects from the end. | It can always be sparse |
Can be stored in Database | Can be stored in Database | Cannot be stored in Database |
Initialization: Via constructor, fetch, assignment | Via constructor, fetch, assignment | Automatic, when declared |