Oracle FAQ's Part-12

Oracel Interview Question Only (1)

What is meant by Scrollable cursor?
The use of HAVING , WHERE and GROUPBY in one SQL?
What is meant by SORTING and GROUPING?
What are the different types of OUTER JOINS?
Explain the UNION operation in SQL . What is meant by OUTER JOIN?
What is a Non- corelated subquery?
What is a corelated subquery?
What do you know about subqueries?
What is the theory behind the JOIN statement in DB2?
What are the different types of SQL?
How to drop the column in a table?
How to drop the index?
What are the different tablespaces in database?
What is the maximum number of triggers, can apply to a single table?
What is the output of SIGN function?
What are the more common pseudo-columns?
Other way to replace query result null value with a text?
What are PL/SQL Cursor Exceptions?
Any three PL/SQL Exceptions?
Any three PL/SQL Exceptions?
Which date function returns number value?
Display Odd/ Even number of records?
Display the number value in Words?
To view installed Oracle version information?
Find out nth highest salary from emp table?
Implicit Cursor attributes?
Explicit Cursor attributes?
Display the records between two range I know the nvl function only
allows the same data type(ie. number or char or date Nvl(comm, 0)),
if commission is null then the text Not Applicable want to display,
instead of blank space. How do I write the query???
How do I display row number with records?
How do I eliminate the duplicate rows?
If a view on a single base table is manipulated will the changes be
reflected on the base table?
If Yes - under what conditions?
Can a view be updated/inserted/deleted?
What are the advantages of VIEW?

What is CYCLE/NO CYCLE in a Sequence?
Is it possible to access the current value in a session before
accessing next value?
How to access the current value and next value from a sequence?
What is a database link?
If unique key constraint on DATE column is created, will it validate
the rows that are inserted with SYSDATE?
How will you activate/deactivate integrity constraints?
Where the integrity constraints are stored in data dictionary?
What are the pre-requisites to modify datatype of a column and to
add a column with NOT NULL constraint?
Is it possible to use LONG columns in WHERE clause or ORDER BY?
How many LONG columns are allowed in a table?
What is the maximum SIZE allowed for each type?
What is difference between CHAR and VARCHAR2?
What are the data types allowed in a table?
What is the usage of SAVEPOINTS?
What is referential integrity constraint?
What is an integrity constraint?
What is the fastest way of accessing a row in a table?
What is ROWID?
Difference between SUBSTR and INSTR?
What is correlated sub-query?
What is the sub-query?
Explain the different types of joins?
What is a join?
What is difference between TRUNCATE & DELETE?
What is a transaction?
What are the types of SQL statement?
Which datatype is used for storing graphics and images?
LONG RAW data type is used for storing BLOB's (binary large
What is a pseudo column. Give some examples?
It is a column that is not an actual column in the table?
What are the differences you have seen while installing Oracle on NT
and Unix platform?

Oracel Interview Question Only (2)

What are the differences between database designing and database
If the large table contains thousands of records and the application
is accessing 35% of the table which method to use: index searching
or full table scan?
In which situation whether peak time or off peak time you will
execute the ANALYZE TABLE command. Why?
How to check to memory gap once the SGA is started in Restricted
All the users are complaining that their application is hanging. How
you will resolve this situation in OLTP?
If the SQL * Plus hangs for a long time, what is the reason?
Shall we create procedures to fetch more than one record?
How do you increase the performance of %LIKE operator?
You are regularly changing the package body part. How will you
create or what will you do before creating that package?
How can you see the source code of the package?
Dual table explain. Is any data internally storing in dual table.
Lot of users are accessing select sysdate from dual and they getting
some millisecond differences. If we execute SELECT SYSDATE FROM EMP;
what error will we get. Why?
In exception handling we have some NOT_FOUND and OTHERS. In inner
layer we have some NOT_FOUND and OTHERS. While executing which one
whether outer layer or inner layer will check first?
What is mutated trigger, is it the problem of locks. In single user
mode we got mutated error, as a DBA how you will resolve it?
Schema A has some objects and created one procedure and granted to
Schema B. Schema B has the same objects like schema A. Schema B
executed the procedure like inserting some records. In this case
where the data will be stored whether in Schema A or Schema B?
What is bulk SQL?
How to do the scheduled task/jobs in Unix platform?
If the entire disk is corrupted how will you and what are the steps
to recover the database?
How will you monitor rollback segment status?
List the sequence of events when a large transaction that exceeds
beyond its optimal value when an entry wraps and causes the rollback
segment to expand into another extend?
What is redo log file mirroring?
How can we plan storage for very large tables
When will be a segment released ?
What are disadvantages of having raw devices?
List the factors that can affect the accuracy of the estima?
What is the difference between $$DATE$$ & $$DBDATE$$$$DBDATE$$
retrieves the current database date$$date$$ retrieves the current
operating system
How to prevent unauthorized use of privileges granted to a Role ?
What is a deadlock and Explain?
What are the basic element of base configuration of an Oracle
What is an index and How it is implemented in Oracle database?
What is the use of redo log information?
What is a schema?
What is Parallel Server?
What is a database instance and Explain?
What is a datafile?
What is a temporary segment?
What are the uses of rollback segment

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