Oracle 10g Free Training - Manipulating data through SQL

Oracle 10g Free Training - Manipulating data through SQL

This tutorial will teach users how to manipulate data using the DMLs (Data Manipulation Languages) through SQL, through 4 types of DML statements: Insert statement, Update statement, Delete statement and the Merge statement.

Manipulating data through SQL

Insert statements

There could be two ways of inserting data in oracle10g database. You can directly insert rows through sqlplus after entering the commands or you can use enterprise manager (through internet explorer) to execute the insert statement.

a) Using SQL*Plus to insert data into a table.

  1. Login to 10g SQL*PLUS using your user id and password.
  2. Run the insert statement as shown in the SQL window in figure 1.

Figure 1: Inserting data into a table through SQL*Plus

Update Statements

a) Using SQL* Plus to update data in a table

  1. Login to 10g SQL*PLUS using your user id and password.
  2. Run the update statement in the SQL* PLUS window as shown in the figure 3.

Delete Statements

a) Using SQL* Plus to delete data from a table

  1. 1. Login to 10g SQL*PLUS using your user id and password.
  2. Run the delete statement in the SQL* PLUS window as shown in the figure 3.

Merge Statements

a) Using SQL* Plus to merge data in a table

  1. Login to 10g SQL*PLUS using your user id and password.
  2. Run the merge statement in the SQL* PLUS window as shown in the figure 3.

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